Our History
In 1926, 15 families that had recently immigrated from the Soviet Union settled in the Lena, Manitoba area. These Mennonite settlers felt the need to join together for worship and fellowship. At first the congregation met in homes but then the Plum Hollow School, near Lena, was made available. In 1928, the congregation decided to meet in two locations, one in Holmfield and one in Lena. The official name of the two groups was the Holmfield Mennonite Brethren Church. The Holmfield group met in various homes and then rented a school. Once a month, joint communion services with the Lena group were held in the town hall or the local United Church. These services were whole day events. In the 1940s, when car travel became more common place the joint services took place only in the morning. Baptisms were also held jointly.
The Holmfield congregation merged with the Lena Mennonite Brethren Church in 1959 as a result of dissension among the group and declining membership. By the early 1960s, English was mostly used in the services. In 1967, the congregation decided to build a new church building in Killarney because of lack of space. The first service in this new building was on Christmas Eve. In 1968, the name officially changed to Lakeview Mennonite Brethren Church, and in 2002 the name was changed to Lakeview Community Church.